katherina zakravsky / miguel gutierrez / robert steijn  / all contributions

kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
domenico giustino

comment by teacher

a smoke machine on stage, or in the box, it really works. it gives the chorusline something glamorous, and espeicially when it is a human smoking machine, something like a human beatbox, it is a great composition with the lazy attitude of the ongoing chorusline, and the man in front, especially when the singer/shouter/rock or hiphop star start to become quiet after he did his excellent thing, he looks at them and turns away. he no longer needs or wants our attention.

this moment is very, very special for me, his gaze, the others who go on, but only works of what the smoker did before.

i am amazed about all the creativity of the people in the box, i really got into it, is it really easier than making a piece for the stage, you would think so, because most of the time i am very critical to what i se eon stage, and now i am totally with the people make their minutes over and over, i hope that these people use the same attiude to create on stage than they do now. i really enjoy the roughness of the presence, the staying consequent to one or two ideas, the lightness of working with different dancestyles. never saw a so playfull approach to dance and dancing with cliches than here at the box.
the kalevala box became also a box to test different attitudes, a box to compose the image when you are with more people, a box to provoke, to have fun and be creative in the same time.

i am not going to miss the box, i am going to miss the people who were in it.


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