schule für dichtung

sainkho namtchylak

klasse: “voice & sound”

kehlkopf- und obertongesang / improvisationstechniken in zeitgenössischer performancekunst

overtone singing and improvisation techniques in contemporary performing art


4 unterrichtseinheiten à 3 stunden (inkl. pausen):
mo, 17. 9.: 17.00 – 20.00
mi, 19.9.: 17.00 – 20.00
do, 20.9.: 17.00 – 20.00
fr, 21.9.: 17.00 – 20.00

ort: sfd – schule für dichtung, mariahilferstr. 88a / stiege III / 7, 1070 wien

sa, 22.9.2007, 11.00: klassenpräsentation im rahmen des 24h-lesefestivals

“rund um die burg” (zelt vor dem wiener rathaus)

teilnahmegebühr: 120,- €

unterrichtssprache: englisch (und deutsch)

anmeldeformular zum download (begrenzte teilnehmerzahl)

die klasse wird geleitet von

sainkho namtchylak

geboren 1957 in der republik tuva/südsibirien *
studium am musik-colleg in moskau. lebt (u.a.) in wien.
die stimmkünstlerin, poetin, sängerin namtchylak versucht, traditionelle ethnische aspekte in der avantgardistischen musik zu bewahren.

"her performances are wordless, leaving the listener's imagination a free field. it's all about nuances of timbre, multi-layering and broad powerful gestures – a vibrant surprise over daring the unknown and unexpected".


tunguska-guska (hörspiel 1991)
lost rivers (cd, solovocal, 1992)
out of tuva (cd, folk, 1993), letters (live-cd 1993)
live at weather report (cd, duo with kang te wang / korea, 1993)
books of roses (cd, mit andreas vollweider)
time out (cd 1997)
naked spirit (1998, “album of the year – worldmusic“ in deutschland)
aura (cd 1999),
who stole the sky? (cd 2004),
karmaland (buch + cd 2006)
nomad (cd 2007)


* tuva/siberia

the republic of tuva is a country situated in the very heart of central asia, in extreme southern siberia.
siberia is a mysterious land, keeping the traces of the ancient civilizations and untouched nature alive. the human being and the nature elements: fire, air, earth, water – interlace in harmony with the landscape of this great country. it is so strong that you feel the invisible power in every rustle of the tree leaves, in every capful of wind, in the shaman's movements during the rituals at the fireplace, in the ringing silence of the khakassian steppes, in the fascinating rhythm of the monks' voices in the buddhist temple, and in the majestic running of the main vital water-way of the ancient earth - yenissey.
chime (throat singing) is a unique art of central asian people, characterized by producing two or three distinct sounds at the same time. tuva throat singers – khöömeizy – are famous all over the world.
(sainkho namtchylak)