katherina zakravsky / miguel gutierrez / robert steijn  / all contributions

kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
jella bichlbauer

comment by teacher

dance is a gracious thing, the chain around her neck, the
face and the eyes are as important as the movements of
the arms. most significant are the way she keeps her lips
shut and the way how she does not look directly in the
she acts as a woman who is certain about what she does,
this intention behinds the movements gives the
movements a certain dignity.

this woman takes the act of dancing and creating
movements very serious. when she would develop this
approach even more, and would play with the way she
hold her head while dancing, she would become a real
living character: she would become a high priestess of

and then i would say, hail the priestess of dance, hail the
women who dance with jewelry around neck.

thanx robert

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