katherina zakravsky / miguel gutierrez / robert steijn  / all contributions

kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
artemis stavridi

comment by teacher

this will become a classic, beaten up by a ballerina, who
cedlebrates her violent acts with nice balletdances. a good
mixture of dance and comedyy, this couple can continue
forever, i guess, he likes to get confused and out of balance,
she enjoys being the stronger one.
they bring a nice fresh energy in the box, a good sense of
homour,lightness, and fragility. the man is vulnerable in a
funny way, the woman sophistiicated in her superiority.
the combination between her balletmovements and his
struggling to get up works well in all the details. the two
different way of moving help each other to become more
beautiful to look at. we need differences to see the beauty of
the singularity in itself.

thanx robert

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