katherina zakravsky / miguel gutierrez / robert steijn  / all contributions

kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
marko milic

comment by teacher

eating an icecream as an act of dance is okay, and walk to
left and right and then hide behind another body to let
two arms appear, it is also okay for me.

but what is the third person doing at the wall, he is
obsessed by what, i like the way he looks at the wall and
how he starts an investigation with his arms, he is the
only one who is not immediately aware of doing
something for the camera, but his concentration is a loop
between him and the fluffy wall, he is in his own thing.

he becomes weird and nice at the same time, and now
when i look from him to the other two persons, they
become a kind of weird too, the eating of the icecream
becomes an act to stay cool and not ot get disturbed,
even not by the ending of the minute. and the man who
walks to left and right becomes a sweety who wants to do
something funny for the camera with his arms.

the less you understand, the moore intruiging it
sometimes get.


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