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kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
Alma Gall

comment by teacher

why is this woman in the kalevala box, when she is in a box herself, a box in a box, can we help her, does she wants to be helped, she discovers that she can move her upperbody, her arms, her hands, but will it help her to face the world, to wipe away the hair out of her face, the movements of her body follow a mental construction, mental concept, and i am wondering what made her think she has to start with living in a box.

is the kalevala box an alternative for freuds sofa, to open up. is the box the place where we meet our unconscious and can transform ourselves. a place to transform.

i want to look you in the face, i want to look you in the eyes.
to see what happenened...
with you, with the space around you, with the box.


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