katherina zakravsky / miguel gutierrez / robert steijn  / all contributions

kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
Mia Legenstein

comment by teacher

put these flies away, to much flies in this box, and i drunk
too much last night, much too much, yes i must kick that
space, there are so much invisible enemies over here, and
i do not want to be here so overexposed all the time,
although it is only one minute, so watch it, i only go for
the still at the end, yes, you never get what you want, my
dear, fuck it, you damn arrogant teacher, who always
thinks he can write about me, whatever comes in his mind

an what are you writing now, uh, do you have anything to
say. about this

robert: i only can say, i need a whiskey too, and i think
you did a very good costume improv. the shawl totally fits
your movements, and your way to behave. let yourself go
dizzy and unstable, it will bring you to great heights...


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