katherina zakravsky / miguel gutierrez / robert steijn  / all contributions

kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
the doris day

comment by teacher

the same clip as the first minute, so look to the seven differences. they represent the statue of the three headed god at the end even more , because they have not so much time anymore, the movements quickly freeze,what has a beautiful effect on me, and they stand even more in a triangle as the first time. So i have already discovered two differences, which makes me very happy.

i think it is enough for the looking of differences, the fact that the second time looks almost exact like the first, is a compliment, what they do is really thought over very well.

so my compliments

but, still a lot of work to do, because now i want a red space, a yellow one, away with this black going white box.

a big hug
the colorblinded robert

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