comment by teacher
watch your timing, this is a timing for your eyes, a lot of choreographers work like this, i just saw the show of chris haring, all the timing is made for the outside eye, it is so dominant in our culture but is this what you really want.
me not, i want the eyes to reverse in the body, to be suprised by the timing of the fingers, how they listen to the air, how to play with or discover their own muscle tensions, we have to dance with the inner eye, and forget the camera, the camera is there to witness, of course we start with a compositional idea how to place our body, but then do not make the camera your eye, go inside and investigate one minute from inside, so much more can happen than what we visually can control.
letīs make a revolution, break the dominance of the eye, we are looking for undefined forms, not longer controled by the search for visible, seductive forms.
fuck seduction strategies we allready know.
do you wnat to join this battle, be my comrade