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kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
Cobie Orger

comment by teacher

beautiful diva like ladies, beautiful costumes, meaningful cuts, meaningful objects and ideas.

but what is it about, one woman is dressed in black, one woman is dresses in white, the black appears later and by a very effectful shoulder move and when gazes would kill takes her place, is the night here moving the day away, you would say so, when you see after her short dominating the space, the object of the sun in close up, going to the back of the wall.

but then at the end there is the taking a picture of the camera and the flash light.

what do these ladies want to tell me. i think they want to confuse me by acting so meaningfull.

yes, they succeed, i am puzzled. dramaturgically, like always....not a bad feeling.


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