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kalevala dancebox

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kalevala dance by:
lucie eidenbenz

comment by teacher

now a loop of nothing, of an empty space again, is it a mistake of lucie eindebrenz or is this nothingness filmed on purpose, the box invites us to do something and when nothing seems to happen except the filming,what can i say, the space remains as inviting as ever, the music becomes eternal. it is hot in vienna, i am sweating, the boy in the internetcafe makes great latte macchatio´s and has a beautiful inviting smile. still nothing happens, and i am happy with it, easily earend money.
let´s contemplate the kalevala box for a moment. a box to dance for a camera. why to dance, because it is situated on a dancefestival? why a camera? to adress the world - yes we are never alone.

kiss to the emptiness

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