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beitrag von: larifari

felix innsbruck

amidst europe's eyebrow raised of stone
guarding the deepest cut of its frown
favoured escape route to the south
look, a river kissed by river's mouth
a gem: a bridge, an inn, a little town.

continued below

kommentar von felix mitterer:

grandios. aber felix verboten, auch wenns nur "glücklich" heißen sollte.

he mess annoys / larifari / 19.11.2009 17:44
felix innsbruck

amidst europe's eyebrow raised of stone
guarding the deepest cut in its frown
favoured escape route to the south
look, a river kissed by river's mouth
a gem: a bridge, an inn, a little town.

embedded in such magnificent beauty
when, in the middle ages
as the swiss war rages
emperoe max strides through its forests - off duty

ever felix, while he hunts hart and vulture
while he chases royal dreams,
folk is touched by silken seams
his pomegranate scatters seeds of culture
cont.... / larifari / 19.11.2009 09:50
bedded in such magnificent beauty
when, in the middle ages
as the swiss war rages
an emperor strides through its forests - off duty

felix, while he hunts hart and vulture
while he chases royal dreams,
folk is touched by the robe's seams
his pomegranate scatters seeds of culture
AW: cont.... / larifari / 19.11.2009 09:51
his robe's seams
AW: AW: cont.... / larifari / 19.11.2009 10:51
felix, while he hunts hart and vulture
while he chases royal dreams,
folk is touched by silken seams
his pomegranate scatters seeds of culture

sorry too hasty abd slapdash
AW: AW: AW: cont.... / larifari / 19.11.2009 12:09
one more error
read ... EMbedded