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beitrag von: larifari

at the turn if fifteen centuries
occident's progress has been enorm
i pay homage on this frieze
to heritage in a choice cuneic form
we pygmies stand on giant's shoulders
drinking forefathers' knowledge font
pebbles we are, nay as sand to boulders
lest we forget all mankind's bond

kommentar von felix mitterer:

früher shakespeare?

das ganze nochmal / larifari / 21.11.2009 15:16
at the turn if fifteen centuries
occident's progress has been enorm
i pay heritage homage on this frieze
in a choice cuneic form
we pygmies stand on giant's shoulders
drinking forefathers' knowledge font
pebbles we are, nay as sand to boulders
lest we forget all mankind's bond

signed: max a man

... in a hurry - the site might be closed
typo / larifari / 21.11.2009 15:11
knowledge fount
.... / larifari / 21.11.2009 15:08
signed: max a man

i knew 300 is an ugly number - first fibonacci number after 300 would be 377 - much more suited to my rhythm