course description
european kalevala class in finnish – part of the joint course between the orivesi college of arts and the university of jyväskylä (finland):
european kalevala kalevala poems in five languages
the first shared project of european network of creative writing programmes brings together five european schools who give teaching in creative writing. the centre of the project is vienna poetry school / schule für dichtung (sfd). the class in finland is divided between orivesi college of arts and univeristy of jyväskylä, the commentators being reijo virtanen (for contributions from orivesi) and juri joensuu (for contributors from jyväskylä). the class is open for anyone, but it is intended for credited study attainment.
european kalevala web course (5 credits in jyväskylä, extended version of the orivesi class for students mainly in advanced special studies a.k.a. laudatur studies):
1) acquaint yourself with the kalevala epic and the related finnish poetry in trochaic meter. 2) register in the kalevala-pages of sfd ( and make yourself a login. 3) write one poem in finnish in kalevala-meter according to these directions: imagine the birth of europe. you are the storyteller. write the beginning of europe's story. write 10 lines following the formal pattern of the kalevala-metre. note: playfulness is more important than academic accuracy. 4) get acquainted with all the participations, also in the foreign languages, as far as it is possible. 5) write a brief report (analysis) on the experience of writing in metre, and according to the feedback. 6) write more wide-ranging essay on more specific question connected to the theme. it may handle questions of metre or fixed forms in poetry, or rules or constraints in/of writing. take a viewpoint that is connected to your interests in the theory and/or praxis of writing.
juri joensuu (department of art and culture studies / literature, university of jyväskylä) reijo virtanen (creative writing, orivesi college of art)